Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Feeling a bit lazy to post things these days but today have to force myself to do it. Reason: today is a very interesting day mah.
Today is the famous February the 14th.

1. today is last day for guys to assess if their investment is spending huge amount of money for ridiculously expensive flowers will return in them getting laid by the end of the night. If the assessment of the chances is low, today will be the last day to call the florist and cancel that order and save some money.

2. today will be the day when imagination of couples will be put to the test. Couples will be stuffed into packed (for maximum business returns) dimly lit restaurants and served the standard cookie cut meals to order with cheesy romance themed food. The imagination part comes in when they have to try to imagine and try to be romantic amisdst all that.

3. today will also be the night where the girls will make note of all the effort the guy has put into to woo her. How much he spent on dinner, weather he opened the car door, what car he came in, what restaurant they go to and that sort of thing. And mind you, if the restaurant they go to is some artsy fartsy foreign sounding name, the girl will need to find a way to learn how to pronounce it properly. (lest they be laughed at when they mention it tomorrow) Nothing will be missed out so that tomorrow they can ‘chat’ about it to her girl friends during breakfast at the office.

4. today will also be the last day for the ladies to decide if they need to turn to the emergency plan of calling the florist and sending flowers to themselves. Not because they love themselves, but to show to the office jokers that she still have it.

5. today will also be the day the guys will take a double dose of the v pill or whatever cocktail of their choice just to make sure that the flag has a pole to raise with. Knowing the side effects of some of those stuff, tonight will be the night where they will end up either ‘going for a round the world trip’ or a trip in the ambulance or a trip just to the front door of her house.

6. today will be the day when guys and girls evaluate their lives and what went wrong. Among other topics that they will ponder of are, what they hell are they doing in their 30s and why are they still not able to get a shag. From any person (gender, race or creed) for that matter.

7. today will be the day most hormone overload (or publicity deprived) joker will pull ridiculously insane stunts to show off to their girl in the hopes of getting laid in the near future (hopefully within the 24 hours of the stunt).

8. today, guys will consider if they need to engage a lawyer, just in case they need to sue their date for the money they spend on the condom that they did not get to use. Interestingly today will also be the day the girls also will consider engaging a lawyer just in case they need to sue their date for damages in case they did not get to get laid properly.

9. today will also be the day when some couples go somewhere private and quiet, have a good time together and maybe end the night making sweet love (instead of getting laid)

so, therefore today is an important date.
btw, today is also Valentine's day. that one day where the gifts and hospitality industry encourages you to Spend! Spend! Spend!


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