Sunday, April 15, 2007

the thing about free advise

ok, here's the thing, i have decided to come back. not that anyone cares as i seriously doubt that there is anyone who reads this pile of dung anyway. But if you do, then you got too much free time on your hands and you should drop me a mail right away coz, i'd like to have more free time on my hands too.

For a come back, let me mention about something.
There is this thing called free advise. You know, those advise or what those hlolier than thou likes to call 'Words of wisdom'. You are minding your own business and then BAM! someone tells you that you should do this or that (and in their silly little mind) certain areas of your life will be better. Or when some "should know better to mind their own business' people hears of some difficulties that you are going through give you some advise without you asking. You know, those kind of free unsolicited advise?

The thing about these type of advise is that somehow or rather the person who gives those advise have the idea that they are some sort of expert and that you should follow their advise. If you don't then they will either keep pestering you or wait for your doom and then say "i told him so". Sometimes, these folks need to know that there is that minute possibility that when people listen to their advise, it does not necessarily bind them to follow through your advise.

Something like if someone offers you a free f*ck. You don't necessarily have to take it. and btw, if you are the one offering, no offense, but sometimes what you offer is not mecessarily what we are looking for.


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